Upvc Windows

Upgrade your home with our premium quality uPVC windows! Our windows are specially designed to enhance the look and feel of your property while providing superior energy efficiency and security. Made with high-quality uPVC material, our windows are built to last and require minimal maintenance. Our windows come in a wide range of styles and designs to complement any home decor, from traditional to contemporary. With double-glazed glass, our windows also provide exceptional insulation, keeping your home warm in winter and cool in summer. In addition, our windows are fitted with top-quality locking mechanisms for added security and peace of mind. Don't wait any longer to upgrade your home with our top-of-the-line uPVC windows!

Full House Installation
Benfleet SS7

Double Gazed Windows

UPVC windows, doors and conservatories improve the appearance and value of your home, making it warmer, safer and more secure. Warm-A-Lite Windows has been installing UPVC windows, doors & conservatories for over 32 years, and have several thousand satisfied customers. With all of our work coming from recommendations.We believe that our windows are the finest in the region, whilst also offering the best value for money. For added security all our windows have the beading fitted from the inside for extra protection

Bay Window Installation
Basildon SS14

Window Styles

Here are the different kind of windows we supply and fit.
Casement Windows
Georgian Style
Victorian Design
Vertical Windows
Sash Windows
Tilt and Turn
Bay Windows

As you can see there are many style of windows for you to choose from that are all bespoke.

Window & Door Combination
Basildon SS14

Window Installations

Not only do we install quality windows, we design and plan windows that will fit accurately and will compliment your home beautifully. One of our window fitters will come and measure up for your new windows and give helpful advise if required.


Products we use